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Advancing an Open Educational Resource Initiative through Collaborative Leadership

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Citation of Original Publication

Durham, Erin; Braxton, Sherri; Advancing an Open Educational Resource Initiative through Collaborative Leadership; The International Journal of Open Educational Resources (2020);


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In its examination of initial stages of OER implementation at a mid-size public research institution, this article discusses the collaborative leadership practices developed by the Senior Director of Information Technology and Reference and Instruction Librarian as initiators and co-chairs of the campus OER working group. Key to this grassroots effort is the collaborative engagement of stakeholders across campus to increase awareness and use of OER to advance institutional adoption and long-term sustainability. Given that OER labor is often uncompensated and voluntary, it is critically important to highlight the hidden labor of academic support staff and librarians on campus who are often ignored in discussions of the need for faculty incentives, recognition, and compensation. In its discussion of change management, strategic planning, and OER labor inequity, this article illuminates practical processes for establishing a transparent, flexible, and collaborative workflow in advancing an initial OER movement on campus