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Educational Services for Unaccompanied Immigrant Children in the United States





Citation of Original Publication

Robert G. Hasson III, Caitlin Corbett, Antonia Diaz-Valdés, Kerri Evans, Thomas M. Crea & Dawnya Underwood (2022) Educational Services for Unaccompanied Immigrant Children in the United States, Journal of Social Service Research, 48:5, 606-616, DOI: 10.1080/01488376.2022.2096746


This is the submitted manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in Journal of Social Service Research on 25 Jul 2022, available online:



Some unaccompanied children (UC) who migrate to the United States (US) receive post-release services (PRS) to help them adjust to the US and access community-based supports. Upon their arrival to the US, UC discuss their need(s) with their PRS caseworker in order to identify their primary needs. This study examines factors associated with UC who reported education services as a primary PRS need. The sample is based on administrative data shared by a major nonprofit in the US that provides technical support for PRS for UC throughout the US (n = 851). The cross-sectional research design includes a binomial logit regression model. Older UC have higher odds of reporting educational services as a primary need and UC placed with their mothers have lower odds of reporting education services as a primary need. The results can inform how education professionals and social services assess the needs of vulnerable immigrants. For example, older UC may require additional support with navigating barriers for accessing education. Conversely, UC who are placed with their mother may require less support with accessing education. Future research includes examining education levels and need for education support, and qualitative methods that describe how family dynamics inform the need for education services.