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Addressing Mental Health Needs of Hispanic and Latino Unaccompanied Minors Web Panel





Citation of Original Publication

Zayas, L. H. et al. "Addressing mental health needs of Hispanic and Latino unaccompanied minors web panel." HiLaMHTTC. May 7, 2021 (Video).


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Raising awareness of the traumatic experiences, background, developmental history, and mental health needs of unaccompanied minors (UC) and place this in the context of the child’s culture and national origin is critical. The panelists will provide an overview of what is trauma, common reactions (emotional/behavioral) observed in youth after traumatic events, and evidence-based tips and strategies to bolster resiliency and promote psychological recovery among unaccompanied minors that any individual or community member interacting with these youth can use. The webinar will include a description of mental health assessment strategies for unaccompanied minors in the United States, with a focus on how the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire. Barriers and facilitators to community participation and making referrals that lead to positive engagement for UC and their families and cultural and linguistic considerations when working with Hispanic/Latino UAC will be discussed. This webinar was recorded live on 04/28/2021 if you would like to know about our next webinars contact us at to join our mailing list. For more information please visit: