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Strategies to Increase Community Participation of Unaccompanied Minors






Citation of Original Publication

Evans, Kerri. "Strategies to Increase Community Participation of Unaccompanied Minors." HiLaMHTTC. May 10, 2021 (Video).


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Casework practices in connecting UAC to culturally relevant community resources including formal and informal mental health supports and school. The presentation will cover barriers and facilitators to community participation and making referrals that lead to positive engagement for UC and their families. We will address the benefits of community collaborations and building networks as well as strategies to reduce barriers including stigma and cultural preconceptions, with the goal of increasing service utilization. As education is one of the primary needs and also one of the main locations of connection to US-born people, we will specifically address school enrollment, orientation to US school systems, and ongoing well-being in the classroom. Learning objectives: 1. Participants will understand barriers to community participation, school enrollment, and school well-being. 2. Participants will discuss strategies for improving barriers to community participation for immigrant children. 3. Participants will learn best practices in creating welcoming schools for immigrant children. This webinar was recorded live on 05/05/2021 if you would like to know about our next webinars contact us at to join our mailing list. For more information please visit: