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Hood College Department of Global Languages and Cultures

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    Comment les Femmes se sont Réapproprié leur Corps : Les Couturières des Années Folles en France
    (2023-04-25) Villalobos, Stephanie; Course, Didier; Hood College Global Languages and Cultures; Hood College Departmental Honors Program
    This thesis explores the evolution of fashion in France from the 19th Century up to the present time. Specifically, the study explores the impact of a fashion industry dominated by men and how women fashion designers along with others were able to develop "La Garconne" or "the New Women" during the Roaring Twenties. Overall, the thesis is divided into four parts: a brief history of French fashion constructed by men, the effects of World War I and the notion of the “new women,” a decade of women fashion designers, and the return of a field of fashion dominated by men after World War II.
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    Christianity in the Middle East: An Ancient Past, an Uncertain Future
    (2017-05) Hassaine, Matthew; Wright, Donald; Hood College Foreign Languages and Literatures; Hood College Departmental Honors
    The continued presence of Christian communities in the Middle East evidences a nuanced reality of a religious pluralism in the Middle East often overlooked by political elites and media outlets. The Middle East, so often depicted as a homogenous, categorically Muslim region, is, in reality, a centuries-old bastion of religious diversity. Christianity has its roots in the Middle East, the very land upon which Jesus Christ himself trod. The first Christians were from this region that would eventually come to be called the Middle East, and the Middle East is home to some of the most ancient Churches in the world1. Christianity belongs to the Middle East, and more importantly, to the peoples of the Middle East, as much as it does to Rome and to the peoples of the traditional “Christendom”. The binary assumption that the West is categorically Christian, and that the Middle East is categorically Muslim, allows political struggle between East and West to be cast in a religious light, capitalizing on religious fervor.
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    What’s Rome got to do with it? An Examination of Western Perspectives on the Value of Middle Eastern Antiquities
    (2016) Warren, Emily; Wright, Donald; Hood College Foreign Languages and Literatures; Hood College Departmental Honors
    Throughout history, the West has conquered and controlled. Whether through war spoils or pioneer expansion, Western influence has touched almost every corner of the world. Because of this, there is a certain mentality among those who reside in the Western world, an intrinsic feeling of stewardship and ownership. This feeling, which most Westerners are completely unaware of, creates a subconscious desire to ‘protect’ the things they feel connected to, the things they feel they possess an ownership of. It is imperative to have a firm understanding of the mentality behind the colonial and imperial history of the West to truly comprehend where this sense of stewardship and ownership originate from. The colonial mentality, which at its core is psychologically based, centers on the idea that the colonizer’s culture is superior to the colonized culture. Westerners often believe that because of their connection to places through past colonization, they have a duty to protect and manage property that they have a sense of stewardship for. The basis of stewardship, transcribed in its definition, presumes that the steward has been entrusted with the care of the object by the rightful owner. However, all too often this sense of stewardship morphs in a sense of ownership, that the property or object belongs, indirectly, to the West, and the destruction of it is a direct attack on the West. This is the prevailing mentality that is connected to the past and current situations of antiquity destruction in the Middle East.
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    Crossing the Line between Political and Terrorist Groups
    (2016-12) Brown, Kelly; Wright, Donald; Hood College Middle Eastern Studies; Hood College Departmental Honors
    Terrorism is politically driven, making the division between “political” and “terror” nonexistent. Throughout history, human social and political structure has developed in a way that has made an unclear divide between political and terrorist organizations. The first terrorist groups emerged in what today is identified as the Middle East. Lebanon and Israel transitioned through multiple power changes starting in antiquity and continuing to present day that has contributed to the development of complex terrorist organizations. Large powers saw the rise of international support and funding, conflict development between ethnic groups, and the transition toward terror acts. Modern terrorist groups originate from poverty and lack of acknowledgement from governments to provide resources in order to survive. Terrorist organizations such as Hezbollah and Hamas have developed to represent, protect, and provide for the oppressed and poor communities. They hold positions in the government, making them political in nature; however, they also carry out acts of terror. United States Foreign Policy has previously failed to recognize the humanitarian aspects of terrorist groups, and therefore has been unsuccessful in the multiple attempts to eliminate them. Instead of trying to find the defining moment when westerners separated the “terror” from “political,” it is necessary to understand they work in tandem.
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    Art et Identité : La Présence de la Culture Juive dans la France médiévale
    Reel, Marisa; Course, Didier; Morris, April; Hood College Department of Global Languages and Cultures; Hood College Departmental Honors
    This paper explores Hebrew illuminated manuscripts created in 13th and 14th century France. It looks at the cultural, political, and social environment in which these manuscripts were created and how they may have been used as outlets to express Jewish identity in a Christian world.
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    A Bridge of Curiosity and Conflict: How Egyptology Connected Europe and Egypt
    (2020-04) Burnette, Jessica; Wright, Donald; Ross, Jennifer; Krygier, Tammy; Department of Art and Archaeology, Department of Global Languages and Cultures; Hood College Departmental Honors
    Egyptology was both a major reason for and a way in which Europeans interacted with Egypt and its people. Egyptology acted as a sort of connective tissue between Egypt and Europe. Changes, both cultural and political, in one country would send ripples through that connection, which would then have an effect on the other. That is not to say that the connection was entirely equal. Europe was very much a colonial power in this relationship, and exerted more influence on Egypt than Egypt was often capable of matching in return. Despite the imbalance, neither side was left unchanged by the connection forged through Egyptology.
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    The History of Algerian Immigrants’ Search for Identity in France. An Analysis through French Film: Historical and Political Context between France and Algeria.
    (2019-05-15) Kettor, Abraham; Paige, Eager; Didier, Course; Donald, Wright; Corey, Campion; Algazi, Marcus; Global Languages and Cultures; Hood College Departmental Honors
    How did France’s legacy of colonization impact Algeria? How significant was the FLN’s role in the Algerian War of Independence and the conceptualization of historical problems (immigration and integration) that follows in its memorialization? This paper presents an overarching framework for understanding the complex historical context between France and Algeria and provides an answer to these questions. The first half of the introduction focuses on the complex history between France and Algeria. It further examines Algeria’s response to colonization (1830) and decolonization (1962) as facilitated by the FLN. The second part of the paper highlights the traumatic post-colonial consequences through a cinematic lens, by analyzing the intersectionality of immigration, integration, repression, and racism. The final section of the paper critically examines the current political and economic debate around immigrants in France and specifically analyzed President Macron’s new immigration policy in response to the influx of migrants.
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    Un Vrai Cinéma Politique : Une Analyse des Opinions Politiques de Jean-Luc Godard et leur Évolution dans ses Films
    (2019-04-29) Schweinfurth, Laura; Course, Didier; Department of Global Languages and Cultures; Hood College Departmental Honors
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    Intimate Cartographies: A Journey with Tomás Eloy Martínez (A Selection)
    (2019-04-29) Gutierrez, Monica Andrea; Zuffi, María Griselda; Casas Roige, Robert; Torres-Crespo, Marisel; Department of Global Languages; Hood College Departmental Honors
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    Libertad de expresión con mordaza: Limitaciones y consecuencia de la Transición en la presente democracia española
    (2019-04-29) Skouras, Alexandra; Casas, Robert; Department of Global Languages and Cultures; Hood College Departmental Honors
    Este trabajo analiza la limitación de la libertad de expresión en la España actual. La libertad de expresión es uno de los derechos fundamentales de los ciudadanos en las sociedades democráticas y su buena salud también está conectada con el funcionamiento sano de la democracia. Aunque la libertad de expresión está observada y defendida en la constitución española, la aparición de leyes como la Ley Mordaza (2015) limita e interfiere con esta libertad fundamental. Este estudio se enfoca en tres ejemplos de interferencias de la Ley Mordaza (la Ley orgánica de protección de la seguridad ciudadana) en la preservación de la libertad de opinión y expresión de tres artistas españoles: unos raperos que criticaron al rey Juan Carlos I y a la familia real; un actor llamado Willy Toledo que expresó comentarios inapropiados contra la iglesia católica; un fotógrafo y su exposición con fotografías de presos políticos en el mundo con la presencia de presos políticos catalanes. La aplicación de la Ley Mordaza en estos tres casos muestra que la libertad de expresión está en peligro cuando hablamos de instituciones de poder como la iglesia, el rey o el gobierno de España. A través de analizar el origen de la Libertad de expresión y su conexión con la democracia, la presencia de esta libertad en las constituciones de España desde la Constitución de Cádiz hasta la Constitución de 1978, y también la transición de la dictadura de Francisco Franco a la democracia, quiero traer luz para entender las razones detrás de la aplicación de la Ley Mordaza en estos casos. Este análisis me ayuda a entender la situación actual de la democracia en España y sus limitaciones.
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    Un Rêve Français à la Lumière de l'Art Japonais Pendant le 19ème Siècle au début du 20ème Siècle
    (2019-04) Page, Brendon; Course, Didier; Global Languages and Cultures; Hood College Departmental Honors
    How Japanese art before the fall of the Shogun influenced French art during the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century. The styles of French art that were directly influenced by Japanese pottery, poetry, and woodblocks like Impressionisme and Post-Impressionisme. Certain artists like Claude Monet, Henri Riviere, and Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec heavily admired the vastness of Japanese art. Also, the concept of art called "Japonisme", which is a concept that directly correlates the Western influence from the Japanese culture, art, and way of life. Comparing artworks from famous Japanese artists before the fall of the Shogun in 1865 that were direct influencers of artists in the West; France, Germany, Britain, Belgium, etc.