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UMBC Center for Social Science Scholarship

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The Center for Social Science Scholarship promotes excellence across the social sciences at UMBC. Spanning disciplines and programs, we connect scholars who engage in social scientific study—asking key questions about social life, addressing problems of local and global concern, sharing knowledge about public issues, and connecting research to practice and policy.

Guided by the core principles of inclusion, equity, and diversity, we encourage intellectual exchange and cross-cutting dialogue as we strive to advance social progress and equity in ways that are critically relevant not only to UMBC but to our local, national, and global communities.

To foster high quality social science inquiry, we offer research and grant support, host trainings, promote campus and community events, and provide opportunities for academic as well as public debate, for the benefit of the university and society.


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 20 of 56
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    Community-Engaged Scholarship w/ Dr. Felipe Filomeno
    (UMBC Center for Social Science Research, 2023-12-04) Anson, Ian; Filomeno, Felipe
    On this special 50th episode, we hear from Dr. Felipe Filomeno, Associate Professor of Political Science and Associate Director of the Center for Social Science Scholarship (CS3) at UMBC. We discuss Dr. Filomeno’s approach to research through a discussion of community-engaged scholarship and his forthcoming book.
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    UMBC Social Science Alumni in Government, Business, and Non-Profit Careers
    (UMBC Center for Social Science Research, 2023-11-13) Anson, Ian; Merner, Delta; Gibbons, Brent; Gay, Brittany; Filomeno, Felipe; Kim, Jean
    On this episode we hear a rebroadcast of a special 5th anniversary event hosted by the UMBC Center for Social Science (CS3). The roundtable, which took place in October of 2023, brought together three fabulous UMBC alumni from across the social sciences: Dr. Delta Merner, (GES ’14), Lead Scientist, Science Hub for Climate Litigation at the Union of Concerned Scientists; Dr. Brent Gibbons, (PUBL ’13), Health Policy Researcher in the Health Economics Program at RTI International; and Dr. Brittany Gay, (PSYC ’21), Associate Director of Implementation Science at the Research-to-Policy Collaboration (RPC). The roundtable was moderated by CS3’s Associate Director, Dr. Felipe Filomeno. Click here for a full recording of the event.
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    ”Kinlessness” and Aging w/ Dr. Christine Mair
    (UMBC Center for Social Science Research, 2023-10-30) Anson, Ian; Mair, Christine Armstrong; Yamashita, Takashi
    On this episode I speak with Dr. Christine Armstrong Mair, Associate Professor of Sociology and Gerontology and Director of the Center for Health, Equity, and Aging (CHEA) in the Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Public Health (SAPH) at UMBC. We discuss Dr. Mair’s ongoing research into aging and older adult lifestyles across the world. Dr. Mair mentioned the following resources in our discussion: Gateway to Global Aging Data SMaRT Scholars Program National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM), Seminar on Kinlessness and Living Alone at Older Ages (Drs. Margolis, Carr, Taylor, and Mair)
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    Constitution Day 2023 w/ Delegate Mark S. Chang (UMBC ’99)
    (UMBC Center for Social Science Research, 2023-10-13) Anson, Ian; Chang, Mark S.; Kim, Jean
    On this episode we hear a rebroadcast of the 2023 UMBC Constitution Day Lecture, organized by the Department of Political Science and cosponsored by UMBC’s Center for Social Science Scholarship. The lecture, which took place in September of 2023, was given by keynote speaker Delegate Mark S. Chang. Delegate Chang has represented the 32nd District in the Maryland House of Delegates (Anne Arundel County) since 2015, and also serves as the Vice Chair of the Appropriations Committee, among a variety of other vital committee positions in our state legislature. Delegate Chang received a B.A. in Psychology from UMBC in 1999, making him a proud UMBC social science alumnus! Stay tuned for a special Campus Connection featuring our new Production Assistant, Jean Kim, who details her experience interning in the Maryland General Assembly through the UMBC MGA Internship Program!
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    Board Games Revisited w/ Dr. Kerri Evans, Dr. Keisha Allen, Netty Lichtman, Brittany Murillo, & Kaylee Reyes
    (UMBC Center for Social Science Research, 2023-10-04) Anson, Ian; Evans, Kerri; Allen, Keisha; Murillo, Brittany; Evans, Kaylee; Lichtman, Netty
    On this episode we return to our discussion of pedagogical simulations and the immigrant experience in educational settings from Dr. Kerri Evans, Assistant Professor of Social Work at UMBC; Dr. Keisha Allen, formerly of UMBC, who is now Assistant Professor in the School of Education at the University of Maryland, College Park; recent UMBC graduates Brittany Murillo and Kaylee Evans; and current UMBC senior, Netty Lichtman.
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    COVID-19 in the Courts w/ Dr. Susan Sterett
    (UMBC Center for Social Science Research, 2023-09-18) Anson, Ian; Sterett, Susan
    On this episode, Dr. Ian Anson speaks with Dr. Susan Sterett, Professor in the School of Public Policy at UMBC, about her recent book .
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    The 2023 UMBC Africana Studies Conference
    (UMBC Center for Social Science Research, 2023-08-04) Anson, Ian; Chuku, Gloria; Tripp, Aili M.
    On this episode we hear a rebroadcast of a presentation that formed a part of the 2023 UMBC Africana Studies Conference, organized by Dr. Gloria Chuku, Professor and Chair of UMBC’s Africana Studies Department. The lecture, which took place in May of 2023, was given by keynote speaker Dr. Aili M. Tripp. Dr. Tripp is Vilas Research Professor of Political Science at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Tripp’s research has focused on gender/women and politics, women’s movements in Africa, transnational feminism, African politics (with particular reference to Uganda and Tanzania), autocracies in Africa, and on the informal economy in Africa. She is presently working on a project on women’s political leadership in African autocracies and a second project on women’s political citizenship and conflict globally.
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    Linguistic Variation and Linguistic Inclusion in the US Educational Context
    (Annual Reviews, 2023-08-16) Mallinson, Christine
    This article examines linguistic variation in relation to the critical social institution and social domain of education, with an emphasis on linguistic inclusion, focusing on the United States. Education is imbued with power dynamics, and language often serves as a gatekeeping mechanism for students from minoritized backgrounds, which helps create, sustain, and perpetuate educational inequalities. Grounded in this context, the article reviews intersecting factors related to linguistic variation that affect student academic performance. Empirical and applied models of effective partnerships among researchers, educators, and students are presented, which provide road maps to advance linguistic inclusion in schools within the broader social movement for equity in education.
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    The UMBC Applied Sociology MA Program
    (UMBC Center for Social Science Research, 2023-07-05) Anson, Ian; Mair, Christine A.; Wallace, Brandy H.; Brauer, R.B.; Gray-Thomas, Jayla; Khalid, Fariha; Gilchrist, Perry
    This episode features the remarkable UMBC MA in Applied Sociology program. Contact the program for more information at First we hear from Dr. Christine Armstrong Mair and Dr. Brandy H. Wallace, both UMBC faculty members affiliated with the Applied Sociology program. We also hear from two current MA students working on theses in applied sociology, R.B. Brauer and Jayla Gray-Thomas, and two recent alumni of the program, Fariha Khalid and Perry Gilchrist. Check out the following links for more information on UMBC, CS3, and our host: The UMBC Center for the Social Sciences Scholarship The University of Maryland, Baltimore County Ian G. Anson, Ph.D.
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    The Legacy of Black Vaudeville w/ Dr. Michelle Scott
    (UMBC Center for Social Science Research, 2023-06-14) Anson, Ian; Scott, Michelle
    On this episode Dr. Anson speaks with Dr. Michelle Scott, Professor of History and Affiliate Faculty in Gender and Women’s Studies, Language, Literacy and Culture, and Africana Studies at UMBC, about her recent book: T.O.B.A. Time: Black Vaudeville and the Theater Owners’ Booking Association in Jazz-Age America Check out the following links for more information on UMBC, CS3, and our host: The UMBC Center for the Social Sciences Scholarship The University of Maryland, Baltimore County Ian G. Anson, Ph.D.
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    Parenting in Privilege or Peril w/ Dr. Pamela Bennett
    (UMBC Center for Social Science Research, 2023-05-22) Anson, Ian; Bennett, Pamela R.
    On this episode, Ian Anson speaks with Dr. Pamela Bennett, Professor in the School of Public Policy at UMBC, about her recent co-authored book: Parenting in Privilege or Peril: How Social Inequality Enables or Derails the American Dream. Check out the following links for more information on UMBC, CS3, and our host: The UMBC Center for the Social Sciences Scholarship The University of Maryland, Baltimore County Ian G. Anson, Ph.D.
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    The Texas Freedom Colonies Project w/ Dr. Andrea Roberts
    (UMBC Center for Social Science Research, 2023-05-05) Anson, Ian; Roberts, Andrea; Musgrove, George Derek
    On this episode we hear a rebroadcast of a recent UMBC Geography and Environmental Systems Seminar. The lecture, which took place on March 29, 2023, featured the work of Dr. Andrea Roberts, Associate Professor of Urban and Environmental Planning and Co-Director of the School’s Center for Cultural Landscapes at the University of Virginia’s (UVA) School of Architecture. Contact the Freedom Colonies Project (gmail) The Freedom Colonies Project Website On today’s Campus Connection, we hear about a recent co-authored paper by Dr. George Derek Musgrove of the History Department at UMBC. “A Monument to Black Resistance and Strength” Check out the following links for more information on UMBC, CS3, and our host: The UMBC Center for the Social Sciences Scholarship The University of Maryland, Baltimore County Ian G. Anson, Ph.D.
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    The Pi Sigma Alpha Undergraduate Research Conference
    (UMBC Center for Social Science Research, 2023-04-18) Anson, Ian; Forestiere, Carolyn; Averno-Ruby Jr., Eric; Cone, Tessa; Crummitt, Kathryn; Ferguson, Grace Chan; Kutishcheva, Maria; Mba-Jonas, Chinemerem Audrey; Moneke, Diana; Oluka, Oyinlola; Patel, Riya; Sizenbach, Hannah; Taylan, Magdanikka; Walker, Molly Quinn
    On today’s special episode of Retrieving the Social Sciences, we hear from the presenters at the 12th Annual Pi Sigma Alpha UMBC Undergraduate Research Conference, as well as our Pi Sigma Alpha Chapter advisor Dr. Carolyn Forestiere, Professor of Political Science at UMBC. The student presenters and their paper titles are listed below: UMBC Paw Poll: Age and Voter Turnout, Eric Averno-Ruby Jr. A Study of the Pro-Life Movement, Tessa Cone Cosmopolitanization in Baltimore City and Montgomery County Public Schools, Kathryn Crummitt Inequality and Homicide Rates: A U.S. State-level Analysis, Grace Chan Ferguson Video Games as Cultural Artifacts: How Pathologic Communicated the Trauma-Induced Nostalgia of Russian Citizens, Maria Kutishcheva Racial Gerrymandering and Educational Success, Chinemerem Audrey Mba-Jonas West African Women Mitigating Brain Drain, Diana Moneke Death Penalty Justification: Explaining the Impact of Biological Sex and Religious Importance, Oyinlola Oluka Immigrant Attitudes Toward Women’s Political Participation, Riya Patel Is Victim Blaming Universal? Understanding the societal impacts of genocidal rape in Central and Eastern Africa, Hannah Sizenbach Exploring Political Expression at UMBC: A Comparison of Party Identification and Comfort with Political Expression on Campus, Magdanikka Taylan Political Obedience in Democracies: How Educational and Conservative Environments Foster Trust of Governments, Molly Quinn Walker Check out the following links for more information on UMBC, CS3, and our host: The UMBC Center for the Social Sciences Scholarship The University of Maryland, Baltimore County Ian G. Anson, Ph.D.
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    The Sondheim Public Affairs Scholars Program w/ Dr. Laura Antkowiak & Jessica Cook
    (UMBC Center for Social Science Research, 2023-03-28) Anson, Ian; Antkowiak, Laura; Cook, Jessica Reynolds
    On this episode Dr. Anson speaks with Dr. Laura Antkowiak, Associate Professor in the UMBC Department of Political Science and the Director of the Sondheim Public Affairs Scholars Program at UMBC, as well as Jessica Reynolds Cook, Associate Director of the Sondheim Program. In their conversation they discuss the Sondheim program, its origins, its current work, and the fantastic students it serves. Check out the following links for more information on UMBC, CS3, and our host: The UMBC Center for the Social Sciences Scholarship The University of Maryland, Baltimore County Ian G. Anson, Ph.D.
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    Black Male Academic Achievement w/ Dr. Ramon Goings
    (UMBC Center for Social Science Research, 2023-03-14) Anson, Ian; Goings, Ramon; Hrabowski III, Freeman
    On today’s episode we hear from Dr. Ramon Goings, Associate Professor in the Language, Literacy, and Culture doctoral program at UMBC. Dr. Goings’ “Fourteen Secrets to a Done Dissertation” On Campus Connections, we hear about an article on helping Black males succeed in the sciences–published by UMBC’s former President, Dr. Freeman Hrabowski III. Check out the following links for more information on UMBC, CS3, and our host: The UMBC Center for the Social Sciences Scholarship The University of Maryland, Baltimore County Ian G. Anson, Ph.D.
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    The Social Science of Dialects w/ Dr. Christine Mallinson
    (UMBC Center for Social Science Research, 2023-02-28) Anson, Ian; Mallinson, Christine; Hudley, Anne H. Charity; Berry-McCrea, Erin; Muwwakkil, Jamaal
    On this episode we hear from Dr. Christine Mallinson, Director of CS3, Special Assistant for Research & Creative Achievement and APLU-CoR Fellow in the Office for Research & Creative Achievement, Professor of Language, Literacy, and Culture, and Affiliate Professor of Gender, Women’s + Sexuality Studies. Visit Dr. Mallinson’s page on Baltimore language: On Campus Connections, we hear about a chapter co-authored by Dr. Mallinson about Black voices in the classroom: Empowering African-American Student Voices in College, by Anne H. Charity Hudley, Christine Mallinson, Erin Berry-McCrea (graduate of UMBC’s Language, Literacy & Culture PhD Program), and Jamaal Muwwakkil. Check out the following links for more information on UMBC, CS3, and our host: The UMBC Center for the Social Sciences Scholarship The University of Maryland, Baltimore County Ian G. Anson, Ph.D.
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    The Domestic Violence Action Research Collective w/ Dr. Nkiru Nnawulezi & Liz Odongo
    (UMBC Center for Social Science Research, 2023-02-07) Anson, Ian; Nnawulezi, Nkiru; Odongo, Liz; Persampiere, John
    On this episode we hear about the work of the Domestic Violence Action Research Collective (DVARC). I speak with Dr. Nkiru Nnawulezi, Assistant Professor in the UMBC Department of Psychology, and Liz Odongo, Director of Grants and Programs at the D.C. Coalition Against Domestic Violence. On Campus Connections, we hear about a UMBC dissertation from the Department of Psychology, written by doctoral graduate John Persampiere. Anger-Reactivity and Treatment Violence Among Court-Mandated Partner-Violent Men Check out the following links for more information on UMBC, CS3, and our host: The UMBC Center for the Social Sciences Scholarship The University of Maryland, Baltimore County Ian G. Anson, Ph.D.
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    The (All-Women, All-Working-Class) Gangs of London w/ Nikki Vietz
    (UMBC Center for Social Science Research, 2023-01-23) Anson, Ian; Vietz, Nikki
    On this episode we hear about the history of the 40 Elephants, an all-women, all-working-class gang that operated for over 100 years in London, thanks to the research of UMBC History MA student Nikki Vietz. Check out the following links for more information on UMBC, CS3, and our host: The UMBC Center for the Social Sciences Scholarship The University of Maryland, Baltimore County Ian G. Anson, Ph.D.
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    The Health Consequences of Political Polarization w/ Dr. Sameera Nayak
    (UMBC Center for Social Science Research, 2022-12-26) Anson, Ian; Nayak, Sameera Shukanta; Short, John Rennie
    On this episode we hear about the consequences of political polarization for the mental and physical health of Americans. I speak with Dr. Sameera Nayak, Assistant Professor of Public Health in UMBC’s Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Public Health. Is divisive politics making Americans sick? – Social Science & Medicine Check out the following links for more information on UMBC, CS3, and our host: The UMBC Center for the Social Sciences Scholarship The University of Maryland, Baltimore County Ian G. Anson, Ph.D. On Campus Connections, we hear about a recent book chapter by Dr. John Rennie Short, Professor of Public Policy at UMBC. The Pandemic and the Costs of an Unhealthy America
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    The Social Science of Recreation and Aging w/ Dr. Candace Brown
    (UMBC Center for Social Science Research, 2022-12-12) Anson, Ian; Brown, Candace; Hamidi, Foad
    On this episode we hear a rebroadcast of the 2021 UMBC Social Sciences Forum Erickson School Lecture, organized by the Erickson School of Aging and cosponsored by the Center for Social Science Scholarship. The lecture, which took place in the Spring of 2021, featured the work of Dr. Candace Brown, Assistant Professor of Gerontology and Member of the Gerontology Executive Committee at the University of North Carolina-Charlotte. Check out the following links for more information on UMBC, CS3, and our host: The UMBC Center for the Social Sciences Scholarship The University of Maryland, Baltimore County Ian G. Anson, Ph.D. On Campus Connections, we hear about a recent co-authored paper by Dr. Foad Hamidi of the Information Systems Department at UMBC. Physiological Computing as a Facilitator for the Promotion of Physical Activity in People with Functional Diversity