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Hood College Department of Education

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    Expanding Outdoor and Environmental Education in Public Schools
    (2022-04-24) Chandler Bird, Kelsey; Calo, Kristy; Hood College Education; Hood College Departmental Honors
    Outdoor and environmental education programs in public schools have the potential to change the outcomes for students, targeting academic success, mental health, and physical health. This paper compiles evidence of these outcomes in a variety of topics to support this claim. Additional long-term research is needed to fully understand the impacts outdoor and environmental education can have on students, but short-term analyses from multiple scholars provide sufficient evidence of benefits to students to support the implementation of programs. I suggest implementing them slowly, beginning with pilot programs at schools to produce data that will encourage other educators and administrators to try it for themselves. This paper addresses benefits to the whole child, impacts on learning in academic content areas, primary and secondary curriculum, types of programs that exist, increasing implementation into public schools, obstacles and limitations, health concerns, supporting students with diverse needs, and the future impacts of outdoor and environmental education in schools. From the compiled research, there are positive implications to conclude that increasing time spent outside will have both short-term and long-term benefits for students, such as increased focus and engagement, and pro-environmental attitudes.
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    Supporting Students with Adverse Childhood Experiences Within the Classroom
    (2021-04-26) Jody Eccard; Hood College Education; Hood College Departmental Honors
    ACEs have the potential to cause lifelong negative impacts on the person who has experienced. These effects include but are not limited to: 1. Health Issues a. Obesity b. Diabetes c. Depressions d. Suicide Attempts 2. Behavior a. Smoking b. Alcoholism c. Drug Use 3. Graduation Rates 4. Academic Achievement 5. Lost Time for Work (CDC, 2020) These effects have the potential to impact the classroom by causing impaired relationships, additional pressure on the stress system, and impacted brain development. However, there are research-based interventions that can support and help to negate the effects of these ACEs. Through personal interviews it became apparent that the following research validated approaches should be implemented when working with students who have experienced ACEs: 1. Starting with Yourself 2. Education on Trauma Informed Practices 3. A Team Approach 4. Understanding the Why Behind Behaviors 5. Building Positive and Trusting Relationships 6. Developing the positive attributes, the student already possesses Therefore, all stakeholders involved in a child’s education should work in a collaborative manner to ensure implementation of these strategies.
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    Why Early Reading Matters and Improving Outcomes for Young Children At-Risk for Reading Difficulties
    (2021-04-25) Lafferty, Erin; Hood College Education Department; Hood College Departmental Honors
    The purpose of this research paper is to communicate the importance of why early reading matters and to identify various methods to improve reading outcomes for all students regardless of race or background. The research conducted focused on students who are most at-risk for reading difficulties in preschool through third grade, including students who come from homes of a lower socioeconomic status (SES), students with identified disabilities, English language learners, those who struggle with social emotional skills, and those who have experienced trauma. In addition to defining what “at-risk” means and who is included, the paper highlights elements of effective literacy instruction. A variety of evidence-based methods that can be used to improve reading outcomes for these students were also investigated. Findings from research as well as data collected through in-depth interviews conducted with Maryland-based Reading Specialists, Special Education Teachers, Classroom Teachers and Early Interventionists is used to drive the content. The purpose of this research is to share information to help all students succeed in their learning, particularly in the area of reading. Early reading skills have a life-long impact. It is the job of educators and policymakers to promote equity and ensure that all young children are set down the right path for positive literacy outcomes.
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    Differentiated Instruction in the Elementary Classroom
    (2021-04-23) Fachler, Allyson; Calo, Kristine; Hood College Education Department; Hood College Departmental Honors
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    Gifted and Talented Education: Meeting the Needs of Gifted Students in Our Educational System Today
    (2021-04-25) Green, Victoria; Gordon, Paula; Hood College Education; Hood College Departmental Honors
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    Place-Based Education and Its Impact on Students
    (2021-04-25) Baldwin, Makenzie; Grove, Rebecca; Hood College Education; Hood College Departmental Honors
    Place-based education provides students with an engaging, interactive way of learning, where they can visit places within their communities for research and projects. This research shares the findings from an investigation of how place-based education can be used effectively with all grade levels and content areas and highlights the learning benefits for all students, no matter their ability level or personal background. Studies show that one of the most significant advantages is increased motivation because students develop a project of their own interest and complete the research process in a way that makes sense to them, with educators present for guidance. Another advantage is that students develop social awareness and mindfulness by exploring local issues and histories. Based on this information, I conclude that all students can benefit from becoming involved in the places and histories surrounding their communities while focusing on various subject areas. This research will also include examples of successful place-based education.
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    English Language Learners: One Size Does Not Fit All
    (2021-04-18) Kite, Tailyn; Torres-Crespo, Marisel; Hood College Education Department; Hood College Departmental Honors
    Many general education teachers hold negative attitudes and misconceptions about English Language Learners that affect how they prepare for, instruct, and assess these students. This paper examines what negative attitudes and misconceptions are held by some general education teachers such as the students having a lack of motivation or that they learn better when they only speak English. It also discusses how these attitudes and misconceptions affect English learning students. I also conducted a survey to provide insight on attitudes about English Language Learners that current in-service teachers in Maryland have. Based on these findings and interviews conducted with teachers in Frederick, Maryland, the second half of this paper explains how to better prepare for, instruct, and assess English Language Learners to improve their chances of success in the general education classroom.
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    Therapy Dogs: Their Impact on Reading Fluency and Reading Motivation
    (2020-04-27) Dinterman, Jennifer; Calo, Kristine; Calo, Kristine; Strickland, Tricia; Hood College Education Department; Hood College Departmental Honors
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    Family Engagement: The Powerful Tool to Increase Student Success
    (2020-04-27) Kreimer, Amber; Calo, Kristine; Hood College Education Department; Hood College Departmental Honors
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    Examining the Impact of Social Support Accessibility on Frederick County K-12 Students
    (2019-04) Schwagerl, Erin; Calo, Kristine; Education; Departmental Honors
    This research examines influential accessibility factors, including geography, process complexity, and educational attainment, that affect the procurement of social supports by households that care for low-income children in Frederick County, Maryland. Presently, the positive impacts of social supports in Frederick County are significantly diminished by barriers to social support accessibility. Geography and other accessibility factors affect not only the process of qualifying for aid but also the ability to make use of the resulting provisions. Furthermore, the current approach to poverty measurement overlooks a substantial population of Frederick County children in need. This paper reviews the consequences of unmet need in Frederick County pertaining to food insecurity, child homelessness, inadequate access to reliable transportation, and mental and behavioral health problems (including substance abuse). These consequences are cyclical, impacting K-12 children well into adulthood. When one area of need remains unmet, the burden may extend into that child’s ability to succeed in school and results in lifelong repercussions including teen pregnancy, dropping out of school, incarceration, lower future earning potential, and unemployment. Also explored are the benefits of more fully meeting the needs of low- income households with children. Lastly, possible actions to increase the positive influence of social supports by mitigating the most significant identified barriers to fully accessing social supports are investigated. After critically examining the current system of eligibility determination and recognizing the inadequacies of this present system, the conclusion is clear that a new method of eligibility determination must be embraced to effectively support Frederick County children in need.
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    The Impact of Arts Education on Student Success
    (2019-04) Tyson, Julia; Shockey, Paulette; Education Department; Hood College Departmental Honors
    This study will examine the impact of arts education on the academic achievement of students. The goal of this project is to compile and analyze existing research to support the hypothesis that arts education positively impacts school achievement in the areas of test scores, attendance, and student behavior. After the No Child Left Behind Act, focus on core academic subjects in schools, such as reading and math, has led to a decrease in the time and resources that are devoted to the arts. A survey by the Arts Education Partnership in 2010 found that 84% of art educators agree that NCLB caused interruptions and conflicts in their programs. To combat this, intensive arts programs have been implemented in low-achieving primary and secondary schools across the country. Test scores at these schools improved after the arts programs were put into place. Schools that participated in The Kennedy Center’s Turnaround Arts initiative, an intensive arts program implemented in some of the lowest-performing elementary and middle schools across the United States, showed an average of 22.55% and 12.62% increase in math and reading proficiency, respectively. Americans for the Arts published a report in 2015 indicating that high schoolers who participated in the arts for four years scored an average of 100 points higher on the SAT test than students with six months of arts education. Students attending low-achieving schools are often at a disadvantage in terms of opportunities presented that allow them to better themselves academically or otherwise; however effectively educating them with the arts would give them the power to succeed in life. This project aims to demonstrate that arts education is critical to student success on many levels and should be an integral part of school all curriculums across the United States.